Everyone has a couple of crazy COVID stories. Our most trusted medical bureaucrats' bumbling ineptitude has provided us with daily fodder. Some people, however, appear to take insanity to an alarming level of berserkness. Masks have been a source of consternation in the COVID-19 policy debate. Do masks work, or do they not? Dr. Anthony Fauci, the COVID clown's head, suggests that you wear two masks. Masks were officially unnecessary at one point, according to Saint Anthony.

The policy changed dramatically in an instant. Experts now recommend that you keep a mask on hand at all times. Some have demanded a mask while standing alone atop Mount Everest. These wildly disparate protocols are what have caused so much consternation. There are some people who use common sense. These individuals conduct their own research. What they discover is an open debate about the level of protection provided by a mask. The vast majority of healthcare professionals and immunologists believe masks are essentially useless.

Nonetheless, this hasn't stopped the government's control freaks from employing masks as yet another tool for enforcing compliance. And, of course, as with other illogical public policies, there are the sheep who blindly follow, regardless of the lack of logic. Masks, once again, have been a major source of contention in the COVID community since the outbreak's inception. Medical bureaucrats' complete lack of transparency has sparked a horde of self-righteous COVID mask cops. Some keep their opinions to themselves, but never miss an opportunity to cast an evil glare at someone who does not wear a mask. It gives new meaning to the old adage, "If appearances could kill."

Others, such as one woman on an airplane, verbally and physically assault what they perceive to be a "non-mask wearing deplorable." There are those who are politically involved in their insanity. They believe that whether you wear a mask or not is visible evidence of your political preferences. If you're not wearing a mask or refuse to be injected with an experimental vaccine, you must have voted for President Trump. We're not kidding; one member of the radical COVID mask police went on a rant, insisting that this was true.

This "mask Karen" went to Walmart. She apparently noticed a couple shopping who were not wearing the CDC-recommended face covering. Apparently, vaccination status and immune status didn't matter to this woman. It all started with the tale-tell no mask stare down. After her evil-eyed condemnation failed, this crazy lady became vocal. According to reports, she went insane. One shopper actually called her out for being impolite.

This woman was wearing a mask, but Karen insisted the mask was rude. To her surprise, the crazed lady responded, "It's not rude! I'm insane – they're STUPID!" At the very least, this explains one aspect of the strange interaction. The group's main instigator openly admitted to being mentally ill. If hearing her public admission to being emotionally challenged wasn't enough, this crazy lady added to it. The ultimate arsenal for her mask attack appeared.

It had everything to do with politics. "You super-spreaders, you voted for Trump, didn't you!?" she screamed. Woooo! Trumpers! They don't put on masks." This is yet another case of mask hysteria. COVID-19 has made many people self-conscious.

However, it has also made far too many people arrogant. People's patience is wearing thin due to the scourge of a virus. COVID has worn us down. We have, and the situation is deteriorating. But what irritates me the most is the incessant babbling of crazed liberals. Not everyone is a "beholden sheep," ready to kowtow to every order and decree regardless of logic. The pandemic has spawned a new mental health crisis, which we'll refer to as COVID-psychosis. I'm curious when they'll come up with a vaccine for that.

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