Some people would turn down a trip to the "Big Apple" even if they won a free all-expenses-paid trip. However, for millions of New Yorkers, our country's largest city is the "apple of their eye."

That's how big cities are. Their allure is frequently in the eye of the beholder. Regardless of whether you live in a sprawling metropolis or a sleepy little rural community, you want to live in a safe and secure environment. For decades, New York City, and, to be fair, dozens of other liberal-run cities in the United States, have been anything but. Crime in New York has increased dramatically in the last two years. The insane "defund the cops" movement, as well as former Mayor Bill de Blasio's liberal policies, are to blame. This is the logical outcome of handcuffing your law enforcement officers and refusing to crack down on criminals. However, logic appears to elude these people, as it does most liberal-run states and cities. Their reasoning is that fewer police officers will cause the bad guys to repent of their evil ways.

Common sense suggests the inverse. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is no longer in office. Many people are relieved that "Comrade Bill" and his fanatically liberal policies are no longer in place. However, when it comes to political colors, New York City remains "solid blue." Despite being subjected to de Blasio's abysmal liberal policies, particularly those concerning crime, New Yorkers appear set on electing a Democrat to lead their city. Eric Adams is the latest Democrat to completely dominate the election.

Curtis Sliwa, Adams' Republican opponent, was defeated by nearly 40 percentage points. The 2021 New York City Mayoral Election was the epitome of a landslide. It would be referred to as a blowout in sports parlance. Adams won in large part because he is a Democrat in a liberal city. However, the newly elected mayor of New York campaigned on a slew of promises as well. Eric Adams campaigned on his ties to law enforcement.

Being a retired police captain was a huge plus on Adams' resume in a city plagued by skyrocketing crime. Adams appeared to have all the tools to lead the country's largest city, having political experience as a former New York State Senator. Similarly, Adams has mastered the "art of the good political speech." He appeared to understand how to hit all the right buttons with New York City voters. When addressing the crisis in one of the nation's most crime-ridden cities, Adams hit all the right notes.

But now that he's swept into office, some say it's time to "put up or shut up." As New York City mourns yet another slain cop, residents say it's time to stop talking about crime and start doing something about it.

With the assassination of NYPD Officer Jason Rivera still fresh in everyone's minds, Adams has vowed to "roll out a real plan." Nonetheless, as wonderful as this proclamation sounds, it does not offer a single strategy for ending a wave of violence in the city. On social media, these "proclamations" of "I have a plan" have a nice ring to them, but they're little more than idle fodder. What irritates people the most is that, despite all of the talk, Adams has yet to mention a single strategy.

Radical liberal policies in New York City and throughout the state have exacerbated the crisis. The pitiful bail reform legislation was approved in Albany, New York. Furthermore, the streets of New York City are teeming with abandoned people.

There is a criminal element within this wave of mental illness and depravity that the system keeps replenishing. A startling number of New York police officers have either resigned or retired in disgust. Bill de Blasio even ordered the closure of some critical NYPD departments. New York City's public homelessness crisis is worsening. Furthermore, they approved laws that re-release dangerous criminals on the streets within hours of their arrest. No one should be surprised if the number of police officers is reduced.

The city has been transformed into a true-life version of the fictional "Gotham City." There is, however, no "Batman" ready to fly in and save them. New Yorkers are looking to newly elected Major Eric Adams to do just that. It's understandable that it's his job.

Eric Adams is a politician with a secondary job of talking a lot. He's clearly mastered that aspect of being mayor. Nonetheless, the time has come to put up or shut up. But no one should be holding their breath in a city as dysfunctional as New York. The prospects are bleak in a city where liberal Democrats have a stranglehold on political offices. Despite his noble rhetoric, Adams must contend with a radically liberal state legislature. The District Attorney of New York City has already reduced prosecutorial powers.

In response to the recent death of a police officer, Albany legislators have resorted to the tried-and-true tactic of "gun control." They ignore the fact that the gun used to assassinate Rivera was stolen. Eric Adams may genuinely want to reduce violence in his community.

However, he should not expect much assistance from his radical liberal cronies. Perhaps it's time to cast an ominous winged shadow across the skyline of New York City. Maybe it's time for Gotham to call in a "real Batman."

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