As a deadly virus engulfed the world, the first finger of blame was pointed at a suspicious wet market in Wuhan, China. The only thing those spreading this theory were correct about was the city where the virus, a lethal killer that caused the worst global health crisis in 100 years, originated. However, they were incorrect about the physical location. Scientists quickly stepped forward to refute the notion that SARS CoV2, the virus that causes COVID-19, emerged naturally. Most people believed that the virus's genetic makeup was created by humans.

But, if this is true, where did SARS CoV2 come from? The overwhelming evidence continues to point to Wuhan, China. The virus, on the other hand, did not emerge naturally from a filthy wet market. SARS CoV2 was discovered in a virology lab in Wuhan, China. Almost every attempt to reveal accurate scientific proof of the true origin was dismissed as a manic conspiracy theory. They were deceiving us, but why? Why did Dr. Anthony Fauci stymie all efforts to discover the true cause of SARS CoV2?

For the past two years, any attempt to investigate the virus's origins and uncover the truth has been stymied by miles of bureaucratic red tape. New evidence suggests that the origins of COVID-19 are the subject of one of the world's largest cover-ups. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, is at the heart of this deception. It was recently revealed that Fauci and others at the NIAID buried any scientific research or opinion that contradicted their wet market origin theory. But, once again, we ask, why? Why wouldn't a man who claims to "believe in science" refuse to let science prove whether a theory is correct or incorrect? The truth gradually emerged as Fauci and other medical bureaucrats were grilled on Capitol Hill.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, as well as others in the government and public health sector, are to blame. They are responsible for the deaths of millions of people around the world. In the United States alone, over 800,000 people have died. Fauci diverted funds from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China via back channels. This laboratory conducted risky "gain-of-function" research on coronaviruses. The goal of gain-of-function research is to make viruses more lethal to humans.

This lab had come under fire for poor safety protocols. There have been numerous reports of poor research practices over the years. Some experts are actually not surprised by the outcome. Someone in the lab made a terrible error. A lethal, man-made virus made its way out. It triggered a wave of death and destruction that has engulfed the entire world for more than two years. As horrifying as the virus is on its own, the deception at COVID's underbelly is even more so. Many things could have been different if the truth had not been buried.

Millions of people's lives could have been spared. As the world enters its third year of dealing with a lethal virus, Fauci and his ilk continue to deceive the public. They continue to dismiss any claims that the virus escaped from a lab. "Mr. Science" is ignoring the scientific evidence. It is both medical malpractice and moral turpitude. Fauci and the NIH knew from the start that SARS CoV2 was very likely to have escaped from a lab. It was not purchased at a wet market. SARS CoV2 was created by humans.

Fauci and other government officials realized this almost immediately. In late January 2020, a world-renowned virologist privately informed Fauci of what he perceived to be the truth. According to Dr. Kristian Andersen, too many aspects of COVID-19's genetic code "appeared engineered." 

"The genome is inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory," Andersen continued to tell Fauci. In layman's terms, this virus did not originate in a wet market. SARS CoV2 is a virus that was created in a gain-of-function virology lab. Notes containing a premeditated cover-up have been discovered. During a phone call with other scientists, Fauci and others agreed that the lab leak theory must be suppressed. There were fears about how the rest of the world would react to a deadly virus leaking from Communist China.

In that regard, they were most likely correct. We can be certain that if President Trump was still in office, the path to accountability would have been very different. President Trump and his administration were the first to suggest that the virus did not occur naturally. They did, however, have faith in their experts. Fauci and his corrupt minions wasted no time in casting aspersions on anyone who advocated the lab leak theory. They believed in conspiracy theories. The term "racist" was mentioned several times. The corrupt scientific community began to cover for themselves.

Former NIH Director Francis Collins expressed concern that "science and international harmony could be jeopardized, and allegations of Chinese involvement could distract top researchers." Furthermore, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has barred all access to the laboratory. Why aren't health inspectors allowed to see what's going on at the Wuhan Institute of Virology if there's nothing to hide? If this appears suspicious, it is because it is. Dr. Robert Garry, a professor at Tulane's School of Medicine, is a key figure in this cover-up.

Dr. Garry, a virologist, began assisting Fauci and the NIH in discrediting the lab leak theory. Dr. Garry and Dr. Robert Shafer of Stanford Medical School's Infectious Diseases Department were interviewed by ABC News. They repeated the same script that said a lab leak was improbable. Each tried to dispel the notion that the virus had escaped from the lab. Their persistence, however, was met with resistance from others in their field. Dr. Garry later revealed that he wrote a series of recommendations for how scientists should discuss the origins of COVID.

First, he warned scientists not to publish any papers about the origins of viruses. However, Garry emphasizes in the memo that "if a paper is to be written" about COVID, "do not mention a lab origin." Why would he demand so much secrecy? Fauci, Collins, Garry, and others in the scientific community have all worked tirelessly to keep the truth hidden. They had clear evidence that SARS CoV2 could not have arisen naturally. It was planned. They were all lying. China continues to deny that the COVID originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Despite this, the CCP has repeatedly refused international inquiries into the virus's origins. Republicans on Capitol Hill are requesting greater access to Fauci's and other NIH records.

These requests have been turned down. Republican leaders maintain that the Biden administration is attempting to conceal information about COVID-19. It's not surprising given that they used the virus as a political weapon to steal the 2020 Presidential Election. Massive corruption will be revealed if the truth is revealed. These swindlers in the scientific community had no desire to uncover the true origins of SARS CoV2. All these corrupt bureaucrats wanted to do was save their own skins. They were well aware that if the truth about COVID-19's origins were revealed, someone would be held accountable.

As new information comes to light, it becomes clear that COVID-19 was used as a political weapon from the start. State officials in liberal states have centralized power and control over their citizens. Draconian mandates have been imposed by medical bureaucrats.

COVID-19 was used as a weapon by Joe Biden against President Donald Trump. It took the focus away from the truth. Biden is unfit for the presidency. COVID-19 has been a nightmare in terms of human suffering. It's the biggest cover-up in history in terms of corruption.

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