The confusion surrounding COVID-19 can be mind-boggling. We were told that we had to devote two weeks of our lives to expert scientists in order to "flatten the curve." We haven't seen anything other than a flattening of the so-called COVID curve. Unfortunately, COVID has devolved into something akin to a bad roller coaster ride. Initially, trusted medical experts advised us that masks were not necessary. As time passed, unwavering advice declared that masks were essential, even two if you could stand it. Lockdowns and school closures have occurred around the world. Politicians changed their minds several times about the hastily approved COVID-19 vaccine. This perplexing rhetoric has created a schism between vaccinated and unvaccinated people.

We sometimes think COVID should stand for "Confusion Over Virus Information Doubtless." Another perplexing aspect of the pandemic is testing. Who should be tested? Should you get tested, no matter where you've been, just to be safe? How trustworthy are the results? Are you truly negative if you test negative? Are your test results accurate if you test positive for COVID-19 but don't feel the least bit ill? If the insanity of COVID wasn't bad enough, one testing company may have contributed to it.

Despite the fact that millions of people have died as a result of the pandemic, some have used it to further their own agenda. Politicians are the most visible example. Big Pharma has amassed vast fortunes. One company, however, may have defrauded the federal government of more than $124 million. The "Center for COVID Control," which sounds far too official to be untrustworthy, secured approximately 80,000 COVID-19 tests per day. According to reports published by The Hill, the CCC collected samples from over 300 locations in 26 different states. Someone was footing the bill because most Americans can get COVID tests for free. Government reimbursements were given to testing sites that were not attached to public healthcare facilities. It turns out that, like many other scams, it's a good job if you can get it. People began to question CCC founder Aleya Siyaj after she embarked on some unusual business ventures. The 29-year-old established an ax-throwing lounge as well as a donut shop. According to NBC News, Siyaj and her husband, Akbar Syed, enjoyed boasting about their wealth. The couple's sudden ascension to astronomical wealth appeared suspicious. They shared images of two Lamborghinis and a Ferrari.

The couple owns a mansion worth more than $1.3 million. Running a COVID testing facility appears to be a nice job if you can get it. However, if you figure out how to game the system, it can turn into a lucrative business venture. This couple appears to have perfected the "COVID scam." When people began reporting strange things about CCC, things began to fall apart. Attorney General Keith Ellison of Minnesota began receiving strange reports from people who submitted for COVID-19 tests at various CCC pop-up sites. These individuals claimed that they never received any results. Then there's the even stranger aspect of this apparent con. Some people received test results. These individuals, however, contacted the Minnesota Attorney General's office, claiming that they never submitted a sample.

Others complained about results that contained incorrect information. The red flags of suspicion began to fly. Other states, according to NBC, have followed Minnesota's lead. CCC sites have been closed in Oregon, Illinois, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Washington, and California. The FBI has recently entered the fray. When federal agents raid your place of business, it is never a good thing. That is exactly what occurred. The FBI raided CCC's headquarters in Rolling Meadows, Illinois.

Ellison is suing CCC on behalf of Minnesotans in Hennepin County District Court. Ellison, like his counterpart in Illinois, is committed to pursuing criminals who have attempted to profit from scams based on the deadly pandemic. This is one of the most heinous cases of deception ever discovered. It is extremely hazardous due to the consequences of inaccurate or incomplete testing. Someone could become ill or unknowingly spread COVID-19 to another person.

Despite having multiple locations closed and their headquarters raided by the FBI, CCC says they "fully cooperate with all government inquiries, and remain committed to providing the best service possible to our patients." If you can keep it, COVID testing must be a good job.

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