To say Joe Biden's first year in the White House has been difficult would be an understatement. His first year as the free world's leader has been a complete disaster.

Photo Credit: YouTube/Daily Mail

Almost every policy decision made by the Biden administration has been a colossal failure. Joe Biden would get a "F" if we gave him a one-year grade. Failure would be represented by the letter "F." Political pundits who warned that Biden was unfit for office were clearly correct. Throughout the first year, evidence of his cognitive decline followed him. We've lost track of how many times White House officials have had to cover for Sleepy Joe or completely retract another of his gaffes.

Jen Psaki, White House press secretary, has "circled back" so many times it's dizzying. Joe Biden's incompetence and inability to carry out his duties as president are obvious. The liberal left's strategy to keep Biden hidden from the public is also undeniable. It isn't working. Joe Biden has given the press far fewer question-and-answer sessions than any of his four predecessors. Biden has only held ten official press conferences in his first year in office. Only two of his limited press conferences were held alone.

Even though they are rare, Biden's interactions with the press are always scripted. Every press appearance is meticulously planned by Biden's handlers. The obvious issue is Biden's cognitive competence. He's even read the instructions from his teleprompter several times.

Every time Biden's babysitters allow him to deviate from the script, the situation quickly deteriorates. Biden made a complete fool of himself and the country during his most recent press conference. When confronted with difficult questions, Biden becomes visibly enraged. Biden was asked about the tense relationship between Ukraine and Russia. His response was not only strange. It was one of the most baffling responses ever uttered by a commander-in-chief. Biden can't even handle questions from reporters on a pre-approved list. When asked about the potential crisis in Ukraine, Biden suggested that Vladimir Putin could get away with a "minor incursion" with no repercussions. Many experts are perplexed as to what he meant. Both our allies and adversaries found Biden's response to be unacceptable.

The White House has been frantically attempting to right the ship. It's too late now. The knucklehead has already spoken. Sleepy Joe's mood must have been affected by his gaffe during the press conference. As reporters were leaving, FOX News correspondent Jacqui Heinrich pressed Biden on the issue. Heinrich yelled over the crowd of disgruntled reporters, "Why are you waiting for Putin to make the first move, sir?" Passive "Sleepy Joe" flipped on the reporter. Biden screamed that her perfectly reasonable request for clarification was a "stupid question."

His insensitive and inept response was not recorded on the live video stream. However, it was recorded on video and audio. Mr. "Unifier of the Nation," as he calls himself, spat back an arrogant response. "What a stupid question," muttered Biden.

Joe Biden's press conferences are only stupid because he is Joe Biden. Joe Biden is an old fool who has outlived his usefulness. He's embarrassing himself. He's making a fool of the corrupt mainstream media and the radical Democratic Party, which rigged the 2020 Presidential Election to get him elected. Worst of all, Joe Biden is making a fool of our great country. He is a humiliating failure. It's sad when elderly people get lost in the midst of innocent life encounters. It is, however, serious when the aging old man is the so-called leader of the free world.

Ignorant remarks from a president, such as those about Ukraine, are one thing, but our national security is in jeopardy. Joe Biden is foolish enough to drag America into a potentially dangerous confrontation. The questions posed to Joe Biden are not stupid. What's stupid is Joe Biden. Furthermore, he is a threat.

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