Many astute Americans are perplexed as to how Joe Biden could so egregiously screw up so many things. It appears unconscionable that one administration could make so many mistakes. Worst of all, Biden ran on his ostensibly valuable asset as an experienced politician.

Biden has been a member of the federal government for over 40 years. Sleepy Joe served as second-in-command for eight years. How can he make so many errors? Our southern border is a shambles. Inflation has reached its highest level in four decades. International policy is a jumbled jumble. The most dangerous military adversaries of the United States are collectively emboldened. The crime rate in American cities is out of control. Everything in the country appears to be out of control. But is this true? Is the Joe Biden administration simply making a series of poor choices? That is what the radical left may wish for us to believe. When we connect the dots, it becomes clear that these apparent blunders were all carefully orchestrated.

The current state of collective chaos and calamity in the United States was planned from the start. It all started with Biden's undermining of the United States' energy independence. All we have to do now is start following the money trail. This rash decision not only drove up gas prices, but it also jeopardized America's energy security. The first dot, Biden's strange connection to a Chinese energy company, is connected here. This was the first step. On the surface, other policy decisions do not appear to be as clear-cut. The border disaster, on the other hand, is part of the overall plan. Democrats can seize control of the federal government indefinitely by changing our country's demographics.

This will pave the way for their dreams of transforming America into a socialist nation akin to China. It's also unclear how the botched Afghanistan mission fits into this equation. However, one aspect of that failure, namely China's, emboldened our adversaries. The Afghanistan debacle served a purpose. It signaled to China and other anti-American powers that the United States is weak. We will not follow through on our promises. Biden's administration will not defend aggression against our allies. Every free and democratic society on the planet relies on American support. Western democracies no longer have faith in the United States to stand up to tyranny and oppression. Joe Biden weakened America.

While Biden slammed the door on the Keystone XL pipeline in the United States, he gave Russia permission to complete its Nordstrom counterpart in Eastern Europe. Russia, emboldened, is now threatening the sovereign country of Ukraine. Again, it's not a big deal, is it? The Biden administration's strategy, on the other hand, is perplexing. Despite his rigid stance, Biden's policy is gradually bringing Russia closer to China as an ally. This new friendship will be cemented at the Beijing Winter Olympics. It is no coincidence that Vladimir Putin is the most visible world leader at their games. This will cement an economic and, more importantly, a military alliance between the world's most powerful socialist countries.

This, once again, is not a coincidence. But why would a US president change so much American policy and make so many bad decisions that appear to benefit our most dangerous adversary, China? All we have to do is follow the money. The nexus of corruption between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Biden family is staggering. Hunter Biden is at the heart of all of these shady arrangements. He serves as the Biden family's point of contact with the Chinese Communist Party. At least five major financial transactions involving Chinese individuals directly linked to CCP intelligence have been orchestrated by the Biden family. These shady schemes have netted the Bidens more than $31 million. They are also not one-time arrangements.

These ties to the CCP are still active. They've been going on for more than a decade. Hunter and his father flew into China on Air Force Two in 2013. The two completed a transaction involving the Chinese investment firm Bohai Harvest RST (BHR).

Steve Kaplan, an economist at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, has discovered even more startling connections. Kaplan has revealed how a single Chinese tycoon has played a key role in the majority of these arrangements. Che Feng is dubbed "The Super Chairman." He has a close relationship with Hunter Biden and, more specifically, the Biden family. Feng was a business partner of China's vice-Ministry of State Security. This agency is the equivalent of the KGB in the former Soviet Union.

Sons of honest politicians do not form direct business ties with members of a communist party, unless that was always your intention. That is the Biden strategy. These connections are not by chance. The first blunder was Hunter Biden's laptop. However, until after the 2020 Presidential Election, the corrupt mainstream media and big tech kept this information hidden. Joe Biden is now in charge of US foreign policy. China and the New World Order are attempting to influence him. Every policy "mistake" was part of a well-planned strategy. The Bidens are in China's good graces. They are part of an elite group who desire a socialist world order. These efforts to convert democratic societies to socialism must take place in the United States.

To achieve the goal, someone must be in charge of coordinating the ties between China, Russia, and the United States. Joe Biden is the puppet. Joe Biden's list of gaffes is not coincidental. It is part of a shady scheme. We only need to follow the money.

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